AAA Physical Therapy’s Collaboration Mindset for Health and Wellness: Maryland Psychological Association by roel manuel evangelista

AAA Physical Therapy (Highly Rated PT in Columbia, MD) appreciates Stefanie of the Maryland Psychological Association (MPA) as our guest for this edition of our podcast! Do you know what MPA does and how this organization assists psychologists and community as a whole? Learn about initiatives that MPA promotes and learn a little bit more of the importance of psychological health in one’s overall health and wellness! Thank you for sharing the programs that Howard Community College’s Dragon Digital Radio have!



Listen to the podcast about Maryland Psychological Association!

Click here for all the other podcasts which include topics on work related injury, auto accidents, telehealth, opioid abuse, and much more!

AAA Physical Therapy’s Collaboration Mindset for Health and Wellness: Howard County’s Issues and Solutions by roel manuel evangelista

Listen to Mr. Snelgrove (President of Howard County General Hospital – Johns Hopkins Medicine) and Manuel (AAA Physical Therapy – Highly Rated PT in Columbia, MD) about the present and future needs of Howard County regarding health and wellness and how we all need to work together to continue to find solutions to meet such needs. Why is dwindling reimbursement from insurance companies an issue for a big hospital such as HCGH and smaller institutions such as AAA PT? What do we need to do as there is a growing number of aging population in Howard County? Why is it important for the only hospital in HoCo need to work closely with our government officials, smaller health and wellness companies, and the community as a group in order to promote overall health and wellness while trying to reduce the cost of care as much as possible? What do all health agencies need to do to work with the local and national opioid epidemic that we are going through and find more natural ways of dealing with pain such as PT, Yoga, and Strength through Stress (stress management)? Please continue supporting the programs housed at Howard Community College’s Dragon Digital Radio!



Listen to the podcast about the state of Health and Wellness in Howard County!

Click here for all the other podcasts which include topics on work related injury, auto accidents, telehealth, opioid abuse, and much more!

AAA PT Best Rehabilitation - Collaboration Mindset HCGH Mr. Snelgrove State of Health and Wellness Columbia Howard County MD.jpg
AAA PT Best Rehabilitation - Podcast HCGH Mr. Snelgrove State of Health and Wellness Columbia Howard County MD.jpg