Top Medicare Physical Therapists (AAAPTMD is a premiere physical therapy clinic in Columbia, Howard County, MD)
Are you looking for one of the best orthopedic, sport, and geriatric rehabilitation therapists / pain management therapists / physical therapy providers in Columbia or nearby places such as Ellicott City, Elkridge, Savage, Laurel, Jessup, Scagsville, Highland and other cities such as Catonsville in Baltimore County and Hanover in Anne Arundel County that accepts Medicare?
If YES, please read below for more information to see what your Medicare Insurance plan can do for you and your loved ones in receiving personalized physiotherapy treatment for your pain, injury, pre-surgery, post-surgery; and other orthopedic, sport, and geriatric cases!
AAA Physical Therapy (considered one of the best physical therapy clinics in Columbia, MD) is a Medicare provider!
You may locate AAA Physical Therapy (Nina Criselda Evangelista, PT, CEEAA) as a Medicare Provider by logging into their website!
Medicare Coverage
Did you know that you are eligible for Medicare Part B services for outpatient physical therapy services with a cap limit for 2017 for a combined $1,980 with PT and speech-language pathology services? If your PT visit is deemed a medical necessity, our dedicated rehabilitation therapists at AAA PT would help you for any orthopedic, pre-surgery or post-operation, or any other rehabilitation case such as having a fall-risk screen or test done! Remember, you do not need to have a Doctor's prescription to see your physical therapist first! Also, here at AAA PT, we provide open clinic or free complimentary screen if indeed physiotherapy is indeed a medical necessity!
Other Medicare Information
If you want to know more why there is a cap for Medicare Part B outpatient physical therapy services, you could learn more based on the PBS article. It is possible though that the cap could be increased in a year so let us discuss this further when you come in for your medicare Part B outpatient PT visit! For more Medicare information, learn more such as Medicare Glossary, Medicare Penalties, and other Medicare Information in addition to other Geriatric PT resources that we already have!